I questioned 10 people, with 10 questions each about my publication.
Here is an example of my question sheet:
1. What are your first impressions of the magazine?
- Adjectives used for my production were most commonly, 'Funky', 'Cool' and that it is 'Striking', 'Stands Out' and it is 'different to others'
2. Does the Magazine reflect the Mainstream-Indie Genre?
9- Yes 1- No
3. Is the selected price a fair one for this magazine?
Every person indicated it was a fair price.
4. Does the central image of the front cover attract you to buy the magazine?
The majority of people agreed that it does, as the people who disagreed commonly said " No, but the attractive coverlines make up for it"
5. Is the contents page clear and easy to read?
Every person answered Yes, and some labelled it as "very well structured" and "a nice layout because it is in sections"
6. Do the images on the contents page attract you to their respective pages of the magazine?
Once again, every person answered yes, and also stated that "There is a good variety of images"
7. Is the colour scheme of the magazine similar throughout?
Most of the people who were asked said it does, however some pointed out that the "Front Cover and Contents Page could have more similar colours"
8. The magazine is a relatively clean layout, do you think it could improve by having an untidy/uneven layout?
Every single person agreed that a clean, clear layout is much more easier to read, and therefore shouldn't be changed.
9. Does 'Independent' follow similar codes and conventions to other magazines of the same genre?
Most people said it does follow similar codes and conventions, especially as the title represents the Indie genre to the core, and the people who disagreed said that the masthead of other Indie magazines are normally abbreviations.
10. Overall, what do you think about my magazine?
Some of the comments were as follows:
"It's quite professional with a lively mode of address that reflects the genre"
"I think it matches Indie greatly"
"Good, would attract people like myself who like Indie music"
"It is a well produced magazine which represents the Indie genre and audience successfully"